Caucasian mother kissed by her children posing In a Lavender field smiling in a sunny summer day

New Jersey Mothers' Rights Attorneys

As a single mother, you face many challenges. Those involving your children probably worry you the most. When they relate to custody, visitation and support, however, you have rights and the ability to petition the court for protection or relief. At the family law firm of Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C., we have represented hundreds of mothers in child custody, visitation and support matters. If you need a strong and assertive advocate on your side, our mothers’ rights attorneys stand ready to fight for you.

Advocating for Mothers in New Jersey Divorce and Child Custody Matters

Our law firm has represented mothers from all walks of life and circumstances. Our attorneys bring unique backgrounds and strengths to their work. With their diverse skills, we can provide effective representation in court, in negotiations or mediation, working diligently to protect your rights and achieve your goals.

You may have other questions relating to your specific situation. An attorney at our firm can review your case and discuss your legal options. We can answer questions such as:

Whether you have decided to get a divorce, you have problems with your ex-spouse or you are not married to the father of your children, our mothers’ rights attorneys can help.

Contact a Morris County NJ Mothers’ Rights Lawyer to Discuss Your Case

To learn more about your legal options and how we can help you, contact Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C.

Get to know Townsend Tomaio & Newmark
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