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10 Tips to Prepare for a Divorce in New Jersey

Preparing for a divorce may sound like an indecent thing to do. However, it can be a smart move for a spouse anticipating the end of their relationship. This helps them to have a stable transition once the divorce proceedings come. The following are ten important tips to prepare for divorce:

Control Your Emotions

Divorces have the potential to become messy when spouses are driven by negative emotions. By being in control of your emotions, you can handle the situation with a clear mind instead of acting on emotional impulse. This helps to keep drama out of the proceedings. This can be achieved with the assistance of a therapist, divorce coach, or support group.

Get Organized

Divorce requires spouses to hand over many different documents. This can include bank statements, credit card statements, income tax returns, paycheck stubs, and more. It can be beneficial to prepare these documents and get them together before the process begins.

Learn the Process

Divorce is not an easy process to go through. It can be helpful to know more about what to expect before finding yourself in this situation. This can be done by learning about the process, diving properties, child custody and support, spousal support, real estate, parenting, conflict resolution, and more. 

Understand Your Finances

Part of divorce is dividing your assets. This requires you to know what you have and what you will owe to your spouse. Having an understanding of your personal finances allows you to sustain a living after your divorce when you are no longer relying on another income.

Make a Financial Plan

With an understanding of your finances, you are able to make a plan for your new future. This allows you to break down the money you will need to live and pay your bills on your own when the divorce is final. With a plan, you can be aware of changing your income or spending habits. 

Know Your Options

Not every divorce is the same. Today, spouses are able to avoid litigation if they do not wish to divorce in a courtroom. They are able to get a divorce through mediation, arbitration, or a collaborative divorce should they choose to do so. Depending on the process, spouses can save money and time with an alternative method.

Put a Team Together

When going through a divorce, you should have a team that is on your side. This complicated process can be made easier with the assistance of others. Your team can consist of attorneys, a divorce coach, psychologists, family, friends, and more.

Set Goals

Divorce proceedings can be easier when you know what you want in the end. By having an outcome in sight, you are able to work towards achieving an overall goal. It is important that these are realistic and attainable.

Minimize Damage to Children

Divorce does not just affect spouses. When they are parents, going through a divorce changes the lives of their kids. You must prepare your children in a way that burdens them as little as possible. This includes how you break the news and their new life after the divorce is final. 

Make Peace With The Situation

No one usually expects to end up divorced when they are getting married. However, it can happen to anyone. Processing your emotions in a positive way allows you to get past your divorce and not make proceedings more difficult than they need to be. 

Contact our Firm

If you need an experienced legal team to guide you through your divorce, contact Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark L.L.C today.


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